Team: Ruben Montero / Claudia Blanes / Aitor Espasa
Material: Chocolate / Ceramics / Metal
Country: Spain / Barcelona
Released: 2018
Genre: experimentation / product / space
Client: Granja Dulcinea / Barcelona

We develop a renovation for the Granja "Dulcinea" an icon in Barcelona. This place is known for its melted chocolate. We tried to increase the chocolate experience working in the graphic, product, and space.

For the product, we designed a tool kit with a tray, 3 spoons for different actions in the process, a cup, and a nap. Also, we create special chocolate to have the icon in the chocolate.

The experience that we designed was similar to meditation. In the space, we can find some holes with boiling water where you can put your cup for melt your chocolate. The cup was designed for being able to introduce the churro always and have chocolate. The 3 spoons are for the take the pastry, eat the chocolate or mix it.